<span class ="tr_" id="tr_1" data-source="" data-srclang="de-de" data-orig="name for the undressing of the torah">name for the undressing of the torah</span> - KI ausziehen


name for the undressing of the torah

{name for the undressing of the torah}


Undressing the Torah, also known as Hagbahah in Hebrew, is a sacred ritual performed during the Torah reading in a synagogue. This ceremony involves the lifting and displaying of the Torah scroll to the congregation after it has been read. It is a symbolic and meaningful act that holds great significance in Jewish tradition.

The Ritual of Undressing the Torah

During the Torah reading, the Torah scroll is typically wrapped in a decorative cover and placed on a special stand called a bimah. After the reading is complete, a member of the congregation, usually a male, will be called upon to perform the Hagbahah. The individual will approach the bimah, gently lift the Torah scroll with both hands, and display it to the congregation.

Symbolism and Meaning

The act of undressing the Torah symbolizes reverence and respect for the sacred scriptures. By lifting the Torah scroll and displaying it to the congregation, the individual is honoring the teachings and wisdom contained within the text. It is a gesture of appreciation for the Torah’s role in guiding and uniting the Jewish community.

Historical Significance

The ritual of Hagbahah has been practiced for centuries and holds deep historical significance in Jewish tradition. It is believed to have originated from the Babylonian Talmud, which outlines the proper procedure for handling and displaying the Torah scroll. Throughout history, undressing the Torah has been a central element of synagogue worship and has been passed down through generations.

Etiquette and Protocol

When performing the Hagbahah, it is important to handle the Torah scroll with care and reverence. The individual should approach the bimah respectfully, lift the Torah scroll slowly and gently, and display it to the congregation with a sense of solemnity. It is customary for those in attendance to stand during the undressing of the Torah as a sign of respect.


Undressing the Torah is a sacred and symbolic ritual that holds great importance in Jewish tradition. By lifting and displaying the Torah scroll to the congregation, individuals show reverence for the sacred scriptures and honor the wisdom contained within. This ritual has been a central element of synagogue worship for centuries, serving as a reminder of the teachings and values that unite the Jewish community.

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